worship. community. mission. Multiplication

Sunday Mornings

Coffee and Fellowship  9:30 AM
Worship Service 10:00 AM

Welcome to River Stone Fellowship

We exist to be a Jesus-Centered Family making disciples who reach the world through worship, community, mission, and multiplication.
Every week, you will find passionate and authentic worship, gospel-centered preaching, and a vibrant kids ministry. Whether you’ve been around church all of your life or this is your first time stepping foot in a church, we want to make your experience welcoming.

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KIDS Service
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Next Gen Ministries


KIDS (babies, preschoolers, K - 4th grades), shares the same mission as River Stone Fellowship as a whole: to be a Jesus centered family making disciples who reach the world with the Gospel. That starts with the family.  We believe that the Word of God calls us as parents to lead our families in discipleship. We desire most to come alongside, equipping, encouraging, supporting, and training parents as the most important disciple-makers throughout your child's life.


A Community for 5th and 6th Graders
We want to ensure that as our 5th and 6th graders transition from KIDS ministry to STUDENT Ministry, they have a space to grow. Our 56ers ministry was designed to both disciple our 5th and 6th graders in the now while also preparing them for the future.


River Stone Students is a place for students to grow in Christ, with each other. The Student Ministry of River Stone Fellowship seeks to help students find genuine community and grow in their walk with Christ. We want to provide our students with a space to worship with their peers, develop authentic relationships, and be a part of a local church.